
Grocery Shopping Report

I spent a lot of money at the grocery store last night. A LOT. But we've got a lot of meat that was on sale, so we can freeze it and it will keep for awhile. We shouldn't have to buy meat for several weeks, if we play our cards right.

We made a few deviations from the grocery list, the most notable is that instead of the chuckeye steak (which looked weird), we got pork loin (which looked better, was cheaper, and feeds us for much longer than two steaks).

We got some asparagus, because Aric likes it (I can't stand it - reminds me too much of broccoli stems). We also got some tomatoes, so Aric can make salsa. It's so tasty - there is nothing better in this world than freshly made salsa. I don't know what it is, but you can really taste the freshness - it hasn't been cooked and preserved and turned into something that doesn't even resemble a vegetable anymore.

It's weird, because the more conscious I become of what I purchase, prepare, and eat, the less I want the products I used to consider staple items. Growing up, my parents were both busy folks, so we ate a lot of Hamburger Helper, potato buds, etc. And while I don't deny that Hamburger Helper is delicious (sometimes nothing hits the spot like a little potato stroganoff), I find that I really don't crave it anymore. The last time I bought it was when I moved into my apartment over a year ago (tuna tetrazzini is my traditional "move-in day" dinner). And potato buds? Can't beat homemade mashed potatoes.

The same goes for fast food. I used to get really sudden, intense cravings for McDonalds double cheeseburgers. Now, I wouldn't always cave into them, but once a week or so I would say that I ate there. Now? Honestly, I can't really stand the place. The only green food there is the pickles (which I despise). I eat at McDonalds (and other fast food places) out of necessity, really, and not for pleasure. That being said, I occasionally get a craving for french fries, and a small envelope of tasty goodness sates that craving for about a month.

I think I feel better now that I'm eating better. I don't get sick as often (provided I don't pig out on dairy), and I feel like I have a little more energy. I find that it's a little easier to get up in the morning (granted, I get up at 8:30 because I start work at 10am).

I simply feel like a better adult when I eat well. It makes me really giddy to fill my shopping cart with fresh produce. I feel like I'm doing something right, and it's pretty exciting. Ask Aric - sometimes I start dancing around the produce aisle at Meijer.

My only fear is that laziness will someday take over and I will revert to my Hamburger Helper, pre-packaged food ways. I guess I'd better pile on the vegetables while I've still got the energy. :)

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