
Adventures in Pet-Ownership - Bringing Baby Home

I've got some catching up to do. Life got in the way a little bit, and this blog got neglected.

Here's what happened: my boyfriend and I got a kitten last week. We already have a cat, Peanut (11 months old), but we thought she might like some company. So we went to the human society and picked out little Caprica (originally named Peaches). Caprica is about three months old and a total cutie. Take a look for yourself:

What you can't see in this picture is that she has one little spot of orange on her forehead. Nowhere else.

Anyway, in our excitement to bring Caprica home, Aric and I neglected to research the proper way to introduce a new cat into a home that already has a cat. I knew that it was important to get a younger cat, so there wouldn't be dominance issues, but that was about it. Excitement took over.

Did you know that you're not supposed to let the new cat and the old cat meet face to face right away? You're supposed to shuttle the new cat off to the back bedroom and let the cats get used to each others' smells and noises through the door before they ever see each other.

Well...Aric and I didn't know that at the time. So we let Caprica out of the box and Peanut freaked out. It was a terrible first couple of days.

One week later and the kitties are already buddies. Just this morning I watched Peanut "kiss" Caprica on the head - she put her big paw over Caprica's little back and licked Caprica's head very delicately. I just about died, it was so cute.

So anyway, I've been busy with the cats this week. Really busy. And now that they don't require constant supervision (to ensure that they don't tear each other apart), I can go back to cooking yummy foods and then blogging about them. In fact, Caprica is sitting in my lap right now, helping me type!

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