
Adventures in Cooking - Pork, Green Beans, and Biscuits

Again with the sticking to the meal plan. It's almost like I'm an adult or something.

As I mentioned in a previous post, pork was on sale (a better deal than the steak all around), so we had that. Aric grills the pork on his awesome Foreman grill (it's red!) with mesquite grill seasoning. So tasty. I usually handle the veggies and the sides, since I hate to handle raw meat. For this particular meal we had green beans and drop biscuits.

This is a pretty simple way to dress up green beans. Basically I steam the green beans (usually for as long as the meat is on the grill - it times out really nicely). While the beans are steaming, I grab a heaping spoonful of butter and about a clove of minced garlic and sautee them up in a pan. When the green beans are almost done steaming, I dump them out into the pan with the butter and garlic and let them chill together for a minute or two.

(taken from the awesome everybody likes sandwiches)

2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup red onions, finely diced
1 tbsp dried dill
a hearty grind of black pepper
a large handful of old cheddar cheese
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup buttermilk

1) Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
2) In In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, salt, red onions, dill, black pepper and cheese. Stir in the milk and oil and mix lightly until combined.
3)Using a tablespoon, drop blobs of dough on a parchment covered or silpat lined cookie sheet. 4)Bake for 12 - 14 minutes or until lightly golden.
Makes about 6 - 9 biscuits.

1) I don't have dill. Surprise surprise. I read somewhere, though, that you can substitute fennel seed for dill. I can't speak to the accuracy of that statement, but I can tell you that without a doubt, these biscuits were delicious with the fennel in them.
2) I can't justify buying a carton of buttermilk if I'm only going to use a little bit. If you have the same reservations, just do what I did: mix 1 tbsp. of white vinegar in your milk, stir it, and let it sit for about five minutes. It works the same as buttermilk.
3) We were out of shredded cheddar cheese, but I had some "fake cheese" (made with soy or whatever) floating around in the fridge, so I used that. Fake cheese tends to be less moist than regular cheese, but it tastes the same, so it was perfect in this application.

These biscuits are amazing. You have to make them. They are so easy, too, and they keep very nicely - for the past two days, in fact, I've been grabbing a few of them for breakfast on my way out the door (heaven forbid I get up early enough in the morning to have a proper breakfast before work).

I have to say that I really love being able to cook up tasty meals on something of a budget. It gives me an almost giddy sense of pride that I'm able to keep myself satisfied with very little money.

And, I promise, in the future I will take better pictures of my cook endeavors. It always bothers me when food blogs don't show me what I'm making, so I will try to improve up on that.

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