
Adventures in Gardening - Strawberries

Just a quick note today - I'm not feeling that great.

Yesterday Aric and I did some work in the back yard (I didn't take an allergy pill, so maybe that's why I'm not feeling well). Aric raked and hacked off dead limbs while I weeded the garden. I didn't even wear my gloves!

Our little strawberry plant had four of the tiniest, ripest little berries I'd ever seen, so I picked them before they went rotten. While Aric continued to toil away, I quickly snuck inside to wash the berries and cut their little caps off.

I came back outside and popped the first berry into Aric's mouth. Then I tried one.

Have you ever eaten a strawberry fresh off the plant? Pure bliss. There is nothing in this world that can compare. It was so moist and luscious and sweet beyond belief - I don't know why, but somehow I had it in the back of my mind that the berries would be bitter. Not true at all.

Now I want to camp out in the back yard and watch the garden, waiting for the next little berry to ripen to perfection.

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